Code Associate CA.Resizer


A Open Source command line utility for Bulk resizing images

View the Project on GitHub CodeAssociate/CA.Images


home | Build Status | Download the latest build



Get the latest build output from Releases The build image will be in the caImageBuild{version}.zip.


Unzip that file the application is is the “CA.Images.exe” with the zip file

Stand alone

You can use the exe directly

On the Path

Create a Directory called “codeAssociate” in your “C:\Program Files “ folder Copy the “CA.Images.exe” into that directory Add the C:\Program Files\codeAssociate\ to you path


If you do not trust the exe download build you can build the application from source.

  1. clone the code
  2. Built using you you flavored build tool
    • dotnet build
    • visual studio
    • rider